
Russia - How Russia exterminates a people

Guestcomment Profil 11/99 by Zbigniew Brzezinski  How Russia exterminates a people  Tschetschenic people have fought against a Russian caption for 120 years. They are neither Russian nor orthodox. The situation in Tschetschenia now reminds us of the one in 1944, when Stalin wanted to deport the whole people to Central Asia what would ...
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Same Time Next Year - by Bernard Slade

                  Characters:   George A man Doris A woman   Setting:   The entire action of the play takes place in a room in a traditional country-style inn, two hundred miles north of San Francisco. In these hotel the two meet each other ever ...
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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia     Type of Goverment   Saudi Arabia is an Islamic monarchy. It is ruled by the house of Saud. Abdul-Aziz al Saud untited the Arabian peninsula in 1932. Saudi Arabia was named after him and became the new country’s first king. The king of Saudi Arabia is also prime minister. An appointed Council of Min ...
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School is the place where young people of all backgrounds come together, Do you think schools can help to integrate young immigrants

“School is the place where young people of all backgrounds come together. Do you think schools can help to integrate young immigrants?”   We often hear about problems which schools have with children of immigrants. In some urban areas there are schools with students from so many different cultures and countries that school li ...
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Scorpions - Walter Dean Myers

Walter Dean Myers Scorpions  Jamal is a twelve year-old boy who lives together with his mother and his little sister, called Sassy. His older brother Randy, the former leader of the famous gang called the “Scorpions”, got arrested in case of murder. The mother desperately tries to earn enough money to be able to pay a lawyer in ...
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Seagull - Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Jonathan Livingston SeagullThe book Jonathan Livingston Seagull was written by Richard Bach. Unfortunately I could not find something about the author. The book was a glorious bestseller and there is also a film version of it. Once a certain Ray Bradbury said: "Richard Bach with this book does two things. He gives me Flight He makes me Yo ...
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GENETIC ENGINEERING    Recombinant DNA technology is generally recognised as a very powerful research tool. In the early 1970`s when the technology was being developed, some scientists became concerned that it might be possible to create hazardous micro organism using recombinant DNA techniques. So molecular biologists from all over ...
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A homework about Bill Gates ( Microsoft )

A homework about Bill Gates ( Microsoft )  At first We want to give you some information about the dates and the education of Bill Gates. Bill Gates was born on October, the 28. 1955 in Seattle. His father William Henry Gates Jn. was a very popular lawyer whose intellectual abilities are enormous. Bill was the second child and only son of h ...
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A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute

  A Town Like Alice     by Nevil Shute                         A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute Author Nevil Shute is the pseudonym of the British novelist N. S. Norway. He was born in England in 1899 and died in Australia in 1 ...
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All my Sons

All my Sons   All my sons is a play about two families. It takes place in the Keller’s house. Kate, Joe’s wife believes that Larry, their missing son will return from the war soon, but the other members of the family doesn’t. Annie comes and visits the Kellers and Chris, their son. Chris and Ann are in love and they want ...
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