
Reform for Higher Grades in High Schools

Reform for Higher Grades in High Schools


high level of education and comparability

simplification of the system

to study independently

specialization not too early

possibility of choosing priority individually

Basic + Proficiency Classes:

2 proficiency classes, five lessons a week

maths and german, four lessons a week

one proficiency class has to be: maths, science or a foreign language

What to enroll in:

4 semesters german, one foreign language, history, politics and economics, religious education, maths, one science and physical education

at least 2 semesters art or music, another foreign language or another science or computer science

What to bring in:

4 semesters german, one foreign language, maths and  one science

the last two semesters art or music, history, politics and economics, the other foreign language or computer science


5 final exams, three written tests, one oral test, one presentation or if the student requests written or oral test


standardization of formal commitments, e.g. error rate, grading

higher grades - used for: Oberstufe

to enroll - to choose a class

oral test - mündliche Prüfung

to request - to ask for

supplement - additional information

formal commitment - formale Festlegung

Sources: Hessian school ministerium and " HLZ" magazin

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