
USA - Principles of American Government

Principles of American Government

The constitution

America was the first country with a constitution since 1787. It contains nature-rights like the right on lives, freedom and property. The constitutions Founding Fathers understood the state as an union of citizens* , The constitution protects the rights with a balanced system of the three forces* . The peoples independence belongs to the principles of the American constiution. In elections it empowers the president, the senators and the members of the house of representatives to power in its name. This is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. In this system the three forces, the president as executive, the congress participate as legislative and the uppermost courts as judicative are seperated from each other. Defeats with elections to the congress hasn´t a direct consequence to the President. But they also have to work together. This system is called a system of "checks and ballances2 The intention of this system is to prevent any of these branches gaining too much power or misusing its power.

The President

Woodrow Wilson, the American president at the time of the World War I, said once:
"As president, one must have the constitution of an athlete, the patience of a mother and the obstinacy of an early Christian." The American president is head of state, government head, commander-in-chiefs*
and most upper diplomat and has to fill diverse representative and executive tasks. In Germany these tasks are done on several persons: the President and the Chancellor. Also the job of the American President is often called the "heaviest job of the world '.

The election of the President

In contrast to Germany the President and congress are elected in separate elections. The presidential elections takes part every four years. The first stage is the nomination of candidates. Party members vote in an internal election for presidential candidate. This is called "Primary". The parties candidates are finally chosen by delegates from each state the National convention. In the next stage the people elects Electors. Each of these electors are assigned * to an candidate even before their election. The presidential candidate with the majority in one state get all votes of his state. So Gore has more votes of the people, but Bush became President.

The Cabinet

In the system of the USA, the government consists formally only of the president. Instead of myself-responsible department-ministers* , there are him subordinated* "secretaries '. 13 secretaries form the Cabinet. The secretaries were chosen by the President. The Cabinet and the President forms the executive branch. They can't make laws, but the President can veto bills which were passed by the Congress.

The congress

The Congress is the legislative branch. The main task of the Congress is to make and pass laws. It can also impeach and remove (with a two-third-majority) judges or the President.

If the President veto a bill, it can override him with a two-third-majority. The congress also controls how the executive spends the money.

The congress consists of two equal chambers: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The House of Representatives

The House of Representatives consists about 435 members. The Representatives were elected for two years.

The Senate

The Senate has 100 members, two from each state. One third of them are elected every two years for a six-year term of office. The senators have to represent the interests of their own state.

The parties

There are two main parties in America: the Democrat and the Republicans. The members of the more liberal party are called Democrats. They want to spend more money on helping the poor and unemployed people. They also believe, that the government should spent more money on things like education. The Republicans don't agree. They think taxes have to be low and should not be spent for such things. In their opinion money have to come from private enterprise.

The Supreme Court

The most upper court of justice (Supreme Court) forms the top of the judicial force in the USA. Nine judges *, who are proposed by the president belong to the Supreme Court if senate confirm. The judges are irremovable *. Because of the appointment for life judges are free from executive or legislative control. The Supreme Court can declare laws or executive acts unconstitutional. But it also decide about punishment. The Supreme Court is similar to the German Bundesgerichtshof and Bundesverfassungsgericht together.


What´s the difference between the German Bundespräsidenten and the President of the USA?
Bundespräsidnet has only representative tasks.
President of USA: The American president is head of state, government head, commander-in-chiefs*
and most upper diplomat and has to fill diverse representative and executive tasks. In Germany these tasks are done on several persons: the President and the Chancellor.

Why are judges of the Supreme Court appointed for their whole life?
Because of the appointment for life judges are free from executive or legislative control.

citizens - Bürger

treee forces - drei Gewalten

assigned - zugeordnet

myself - responsible - eigenverantwortliche Minister einer Abteilung

subordinated - untergeordnet

commander in chiefs - Oberbefehlshaber

judge - Richter

irremovable - unabsetzbar.

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